Chiang Mai Weather Forecasts
When is the Best Time to Go to Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai is experiencing temperatures ranging from 24° to 37°. The wind speed varies between 2 and 8 mph, and the chance of precipitation is relatively low.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Chiang Mai Thailand
In Chiang Mai, the wet season is oppressive and overcast, the dry season is mostly clear, and it is hot year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 59°F to 97°F and is rarely below 53°F or above 102°F.
Based on the tourism score, the best time of year to visit Chiang Mai for warm-weather activities is from mid November to early March.
Average Temperature in Chiang Mai
The hot season lasts for 1.9 months, from March 12 to May 7, with an average daily high temperature above 94°F. The hottest month of the year in Chiang Mai is April, with an average high of 97°F and low of 74°F.
The cool season lasts for 2.2 months, from November 18 to January 25, with an average daily high temperature below 86°F. The coldest month of the year in Chiang Mai is January, with an average low of 59°F and high of 85°F.
Weather forecast plays an important part in our daily life whether you are planning for holidays, outdoor activities or for business. What’s On In Chiang Mai brings 7 days weather forecast to help planning for your journey while you are visiting or staying in Chiang Mai.
Weather forecast for Chiang Mai in the next 3 days and 14 days.
- Wildlife Farms
- Whitewater Rafting
- Restaurants
- Quad Bikes
- Hotels
- Dentists
- Cycling
- Cafes and Delis
- Shopping